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Environment and Climate Change: the second year of the course is completed

NVSU has successfully completed the second year of the course on Environment and Climate Change delivered at the Faculty of Ecology and Engineering. The course was part of the module Environment, Health and Climate Change: Facing the Challenges and Adapting to Impacts: Experience of the European Union. First launched on February 26 in regular mode, the course was then partially transferred to the online format. The distance learning strengthened the informational content of the course enriched with additional materials and content displayed via an online LMS platform accessible to any student.

The course attendees included master students majoring in Ecology and Environmental Management, Biology, and Life Safety, and bachelor students majoring in Ecology and Environmental Management, Life Safety, and Environmental Engineering and Water Use.

Best student reports were published in the Proceedings of the Russian Research and Practical Conference of NVSU, 2020.

Irina Pogonysheva, Module Coordinator, Assistant Professor at the Department for Ecology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, says, “The projects allowed intensifying student cognitive activity, establishing links between theory and practice of applying adaptation strategies to climate change, and learning about the EU experience and practices in this field. The module students emphasized the practical significance of the delivered material, its relevance, accessibility and novelty.”

