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Participation in Jean Monnet Conference

On April 15-19, NVSU held the Final Research and Practical Conference “Intercultural Dialogue and Collaboration of the European Union and Russia: Implementation of Jean Monnet Projects at Nizhnevartovsk State University”.

Held with the view to summarize and transmit the results of Jean Monnet projects implemented at Nizhnevartovsk State University, the conference was aimed at boosting up knowledge about the European integration and the issues of the EU environment, history, economics and legislation.

The conference was attended by NVSU teachers and students, as well as representatives of the academic, political, public and professional communities. The honorary guests of the conference included staff members of the European universities and organizations that acted as chairmen and panel session experts: Marc Ruiz-Zorrilla, Professor of the University of Barcelona (Spain), Trine Etzerodt, Head of Department for Social Education at the University College South Denmark (Aubenro, Denmark), Atena Groza, Advisor to the National Agency for Protected Areas, Leading Expert in Biodiversity, DAKIA Association for Sustainable Development (Romania), Matti Hirsilä, Head of the Department of Global Competence School of Business at JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Jyväskylä, Finland), Francesc Murria, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona, Simon Bødker Andersen, Lecturer at the Department for Social Education, University College South Denmark. 

On April 15, during the plenary session Vera Kuznetsova, Module team member, delivered a presentation about the Jean Monnet Module “Environment, Health and Climate change: Facing the challenges and Adapting to Impacts: Experience of the European Union”, including a brief overview, aims and objectives, expected results and dissemination activities.

On April 16, during the panel session 2 Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union”, Vera Kuznetsova shared the results of the research conducted as part of the Jean Monnet Module titled “Climate Change Impacts on Environment and Public Health - EU's Initiatives”. 


The project “Environment, Health and Climate change: Facing the challenges and Adapting to Impacts: Experience of the European Union”, 600178-EPP-1-2018-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE, is co-financed by European Commission within the framework of Jean Monnet Actions. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
