
07 August
Jean Monnet Research Results Presented at International Forum
Inna Volkova, Professor at the Department of Commerce and Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management took part in the VII International Scientific Research Forum "Effective Management Systems: Quality, Innovation, Education" which was tool place in Kazan 28 February.
07 August
Intermediate Results of the Jean Monnet Course
Второй год осуществляется реализация гранта Jean Monnet Module "Стандартизация в системе управления качеством продукции: опыт стран Европейского союза и перспективы сотрудничества" на факультете экономики и управления.
07 August
Course Summed up with a Report Competition
Department of Ecology concluded the second year of course implementation within Jean Monnet Module "Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union".
20 June
Results of Research on EU Programs presented in Moscow
On 26-27 March Professor of the Department for Commerce and Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Inna Volkova participated in the Annual International Research Conference "Modern Entrepreneurial Education" hosted by the National Association for Entrepreneurship Training.
14 June
University of Barcelona Professor visited NVSU
Mark R. Sorrilla Cruzate, University of Barcelona professor, visited Nizhnevartovsk State University. Department for Document Science and General History together with Department for Linguistics and Translation prepared a diverse program for Russian-Spanish week.
06 June
NVSU representatives completed Erasmus+ training at JAMK University of Applied Sciences
From 2 to 6 April representatives of Nizhnevartovsk State University visited JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Jyvaskyla, Finland) within KA1: "Mobility of Individuals" of the Erasmus + program. Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Human Sciences and Tourism, Olga Shakhova and Jean Monnet Project Coordinator of the International Office, Yana Kraychinskaya, took part in mobility with the aim to study European practices of implementing accessible tourist environment and discussing prospects for cooperation in this area.
23 May
Annual Research Competition held within Jean Monnet Module
On the 4th of April, 2017 Department for Ecology held a research project competition among school pupils and university and college students of the region. The competition was held as a part of Jean Monnet Module “Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union” activities, 574826-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE.
22 May
NVSU Professor Hosted an Open Lecture in Moscow
On March 28, Inna Volkova, Professor of the Department for Commerce and Management, addressed the students of the Moscow State Institute of the Tourism Industry named after Yu. A. Senkevich with a lecture on the topic: "The Experience of the European Union Countries in Standardizing Quality Management Systems". The students wlearned about the results of a study on the European standardization experience, the advanced technologies for forming a quality system, and possible ways and directions for managing the quality of hotel and tourist services. The presented information is especially relevant for students of MSITI since they are studying in a double degree program in leading European universities. The meeting with the students of the University was held as part of the Dissemination of the results of the Jean Monnet Module "tandardization in Product Quality Management: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects".
21 May
Jean Monnet Course for 2017-2018 Completed
Faculty of Economics and Management successfully completed the second year of training on the course "Standardization in Product Quality Management: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects".
21 May
Danish Students Learn about Russian Culture
March 2-6, an orientation week for students from the University College of Southern Denmark (UC SYD) was held at Nizhnevartovsk State University. At the moment, second year students UCSYD, Fabian Pfannenschmidt and Zoer Zeidler are doing practical training within Erasmus + student exchange program (Key direction 1: Credit mobility). They are trained at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology in the field of Pedagogical Education.