
07 February
The Deaprtment for Trade and Management is preparing for the Conference
The Department for Trade and Management continues to prepare for the International Research Conference "Standartisation and vertification: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects". The conference will be held on the 5th of April, 2018.
30 January
NVSU hosted a Seminar on Jean Monnet Activities and Call for Applications 2018
On 23rd January NVSU hosted a seminar titled “Preparing Applications within 2018 Call for Jean Monnet Activities”. The initiative supports research of European Union in order to promote European integration process in different fields of study. The seminar was organised by the Nizhnevartovsk State University International Office. The event was attended by heads of departments, professors, lecturers and researchers.
19 January
NVSU students took part in Erasmus + programme at University College of South Denmark
Alina Shakirova and Anastasia Turabova, students of the Faculty of Humanities won the university competition to study at the University College of South Denmark - UCSYD in Aabenraa. They spent 5 months (August- December 2017) studying the college program of Crossing Borders: Cultural Diversity in Early Years Education. The students were awarded Erasmus+ scholarship, which is the most prestigious European student grant. It covers all costs of stay and study at a EU university (cost of travel, accommodation, visa costs and insurance). NVSU students had four training modules including: • Crossing Borders, an introductory course to introduce the students to the Danish education system and the Danish language; • Cultural Diversity in Education, a theoretical study and research in schools and pre-schools related to certain topics, such as inclusive education of children; • Educational Development Project, an independent student project involving three school classes on a particular subject. NVSU students made a photo project with a display of photographs made by children; • Practical Training Period in schools and pre-schools, with a portfolio on teaching techniques and educational system.
19 January
New experience of student academic mobility with JAMK University of Applied Sciences
NVSU students continue to take part in international programs of academic mobility. Svetlana Podbolotova, 3rd year student of Faculty of Arts and Design, and Ivan Fomenko, 2nd year student of Faculty of Humanities has successfully completed his studies at JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyväskylä. The students spent autumn semester from August to December 2017 there. Svetlana and Ivan shared their positive impressions from this experience. Ivan learned about such things as working with integrated educational systems, developing study schedule beforehand etc. Svetlana was surprised that musical education was divided into 2 sections: classical and pop.
20 December
The Faculty of Ecology and Engineering hosted a seminar “Environment and Human Health: EU Experience” within Jean Monnet Module
December 16th the Department for Ecology at the Faculty of Ecology and Engineering host a seminar titled “Environment and Human Health: EU Experience”. The seminar was organized by Denis Pogonyshev, Head of the Department for Egology, and Irina Pogonysheva, Assistant Professor at the Department. The main objective iwas to provide platform for discussion on opportunities to use European experience in managing issues related to environmental interrelation with human health in domestic practices.
13 December
Staff mobility within Erasmus+ Program
Professor of NVSU are getting more and more involved in Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Initiatives. In the spring 2018 NVSU professor will go to University of Barcelona to give lectures in the partner institution within Key Action 1: “Learning Mobility of Individuals” of Erasmus + Program. Erasmus + scholarship is the most prestigious European student grant. The scholarship covers all costs associated with the stay and study at a foreign university (travel costs, accommodation costs, etc).
11 December
Working group members discussed further steps in UNISON project implementation plan
On December 8, 2017 Nizhnevartovsk State University hosted a meeting of working group members of UNISON “University-enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network” project. The project was approved for funding within 2016 call for proposals of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices/ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education.
06 December
Final workshop within Erasmus+ Project “University-enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network”
From 27 to 29 of November, University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) hosted final study visit within Erasmus+ Project “University-enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network”. The project was approved for funding within 2016 call for proposals of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices/ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education.
06 December
The Department for Ecology is to hold a seminar “Environment and Human Health: EU Experience” within Jean Monnet Module
December 16th the Department for Ecology at the Faculty of Ecology and Engineering is organizing a seminar titled “Environment and Human Health: EU Experience”. The main objective is to provide platform for discussion on opportunities to use European experience in managing issues related to environmental interrelation with human health in domestic practices.
01 December
Joint publication within Jean Monnet Modules
A joint study guide titled “Environment – Human – Social Policy (European experience)” was published within implementation activities of Jean Monnet Modules “The European Union Social Policy”, 574865-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE and “Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union”, 574826-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE.