The Jean Monnet coordinator presented research results of Jean Monnet module in Yekaterinburg
Project team of the Jean Monnet Module “Developing Green Skills for Entrepreneurship and Business Based on the EU Experience” actively participates in the dissemination activities both at local and national levels. Oksana Kozlova, professor of the Department for commerce and management, academic coordinator of the Module, took part in the international scientific conference “Strategic objectives of AIC scientific and technological development”. The conference was held on February 8, 2018 at the Ural State Agricultural University.
Oksana Kozlova delivered a presentation devoted to the results of the research conducted within the Module, namely “Mechanism of Eco-innovations development: EU experience” during the conference session on economics and development management of agriculture. The key topic “Innovative Ecological Initiatives: New Approaches” raised interest to in-depth discussion among the conference participants including representatives of HEIs from Kazakhstan, Spain and Czech Republic.