
06 November
NVSU became a member of International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA)
Nizhnevartovsk State University came joined International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA). This is a non-governmental organization and official partner of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO. The  InSEA membership includes 1184 professional and organisational members in 72 countries.  
03 November
NVSU and Ludong University applied for funding within the framework of the RFBR competition for projects
Jointly with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) holds competitions for the best scientific projects. The Department for Geography of Nizhnevartovsk State University and Ludong University (Yantai, China) applied for funding with the project “Landscape evolution since the end of the Pleistocene on the West Siberian plain: process, development and connection to paleoclimatic changes”. Head of the project from the Russian side is Sergey Korkin, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor at NVSU Department of Geography, Chinese side is led by Ling Zeng, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University. The consortium also includes scientific communities of NVSU, Institute of Pplant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branchy of Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg), Ludong University, Yantai Institute Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Yantai, China).
03 November
Academic mobility: Opportunities for NVSU students
NVSU has held an annual online seminar titled Academic Mobility: Opportunities for NVSU students in the framework of Erasmus+ program #ErasmusDays. It aimed at increasing student mobility and raising overall awareness about Erasmus+ program. Oksana Moroz, Head of NVSU International Office, discussed academic mobility, its types and specifics, as well as advantages of participating in academic mobility programs and areas of Erasmus+, the leading European Union program.
03 November
NVSU will take part in the international project supported by the UK Government scholarship
Nizhnevartovsk State University joined the consortium of the international project "International scientific integration of early career researchers (ISInCAR)". It was supported within call for proposals of the British Embassy Moscow and the British Consulate General Ekaterinburg in 2020-2021 to implement cooperative Russian-British initiatives. The project aims at improving scientific research, promoting knowledge exchange and implementing international exchange (learning languages, customs) into community of young scientists. Timeframe: April 2020 - February 2023.
03 November
Opening up new horizons: cooperation of NVSU and Shandong Technology and Business University (China)
Nizhnevartovsk State University has signed a cooperation agreement in science and education with Shandong Technology and Business University (Yantai, China). According to the agreement, universities have the following aims: organizing academic mobility of staff, students and post-graduate students: organizing joint scientific and practical symposiums, conferences, workshops, publication of reports and articles; organizing and implementing joint international projects, introducing new educational technologies.
22 June
Fulbright Program Opportunities for NVSU Students and Staff: outcomes of the online seminar
NVSU has completed the 3-day interactive online seminar on Fulbright Program Opportunities for Students and Staff of Nizhnevartovsk State University. The seminar attendees learned about the opportunities of Fulbright Program in the USA and received feedback on the experience of Fulbright alumni. The first day was devoted to the information on the US system of higher education and Fulbright Program, and group discussions and presentations of the following subjects.
11 June
A project by NVSU International Office approved for Fulbright program funding
An application for the project Fulbright Programme Opportunities for Students and Staff of Nizhnevartovsk State University proposed by NVSU International Office has been approved for funding by Fulbright programme. The project will include a 3-day online seminar organized together with Fulbright Alumni at Nizhnevartovsk State University. The seminar will be held on 9-11 June and shall use Zoom, Miro and Skype platform to organize conference call and group activities for NVSU students, lecturers and employees. During the seminar, the seminar organizers will touch upon the opportunities of Fulbright Progamme and share the experience of being a Fulbright grantee.
10 June
NVSU application for Fulbright approved for funding
Following the call for Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program for Academic Year 2020-2021, an application to invite an American scholarship holder to NVSU to teach English at the Department for Linguistics and Translation was approved for funding. An English Teaching Assistant is to start at Nizhnevartovsk State University on January 15, 2021. Each year, the ETA program gives an opportunity to about 25 American scholarship holders to come to Russia as English Teaching Assistants. The Fulbright office in Moscow is responsible for assigning program participants Russian universities. The participants are to teach at any Russian university, except for universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, for one academic year.
09 June
A new project of NVSU and JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
A joint project of the Nizhnevartovsk State University and JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Jyväskylä, Finland) was approved for funding following the call for proposals of the Finnish-Russian Student Exchange Program (FIRST). The FIRST student exchange program is based on network cooperation between Finnish and Russian higher education institutions and bilateral student exchange in agreed fields of study. The program is aimed at developing student and teacher mobility and exchanges. The joint NVSU and JAMK project involves an intensive course in Responsible Entrepreneurship in Tourism with a Focus on Accessible Tourism to be held in April 2021 at NVSU. The course will cover Finnish and Russian practices in promoting green skills and developing environmental culture in business. The project will involve members of JAMK University, and NVSU students and lecturers.
19 March
Danish students are getting used to studying at NVSU
NSVU held an orientation week for students of University College of South Denmark (UC SYD). During that week, foreign students learned about the Russian culture and customs and had a tour of the city and the university. 2nd year students from UC SYD, Anja Holz and Julia-Diana Zernecke, had come to NVSU to take practical training at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and study the program in Social Education as part of the Erasmus + student mobility program (Key Action 1: Credit mobility).