
31 March
Online lecture
Roxane Andersen, Senior Research Fellow of the University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland) gave a thematic lecture for participants of the project "International scientific integration of early career researchers (ISInCAR)". The Research Supervisor of the University of the West of England will give the last lecture for project participants.
25 March
Online-forum "Research Consortia" within the UK-Russia University Alliance Programme
Online-forum "Research Consortia" was held within the UK-Russia University Alliance Programme. Aim of the Project: to engage Russian top universities and connect the next generation of Russian science leaders with the UK by expanding partnership and professional development opportunities (to provide a platform for longer term ambitions of engaging universities and researchers).
16 March
Lecture from Bangor University for ISInCAR participants
In the framework of the project “International scientific integration of early career researchers (ISInCAR)” Chris Freeman, Professor in Biology of the School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University, gave the first thematic lecture from British partner universities titled “Are wetlands the most important ecosystem on our planet?”
16 March
Final thematic lecture from Russian partner universities for ISInCAR participants
Tatiana Storchak, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department for Ecology of Nizhnevartovsk State University, NVSU Research Supervisor of the Project, gave the final lecture from Russian partner universities titled “Physiological and Biochemical Adaptation Mechanisms of Wetland Plants”.
19 February
Online lecture
In the framework of the international project "International scientific integration of early career researchers (ISInCAR)" Evgeny Zarov, Scientific Researcher of the UNESCO chair of the Yugra State University, YUSU Research Supervisor of the Project gave the second online lecture "How the middle Ob’ peatlands developed and their role in the carbon cycle" for project participants.
02 February
Thematic lectures from ISInCAR project partners
In the framework of the international project "International scientific integration of early career researchers (ISInCAR)" Vitalii Khoroshavin, Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Tyumen State University, UTMN Research Supervisor of the Project gave the first online lecture "Climate change and water resources, dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena" for project participants. Participants learned climate history, main concepts in the field of climate change, its reasons of warming and potential impact.
21 December
Intercultural online forum Student Vision of the World
Arina Kashapova, student of the Faculty of Humanities, took part in the Intercultural online forum of Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin. The Forum is represented by 3 launch programs.It aims to create a digital space for intercultural exchange, expand student life and develop joint international projects.
04 December
New formats of cooperation with SDI München (Germany)
Nizhnevartovsk State University is actively cooperating with University of Applied Languages (SDI München). From 23 to 27 November students of NVSU Faculty of Humanities participated in SDI online classes on German-Russian. NVSU students and teaching staff got acquainted with the main approaches to translating different types of texts and materials.
01 December
The research webinar “Environment, Health and Climate Change: the Experience of European Union” was held at NVSU
On November 25, NVSU held the research webinar “Environment, Health and Climate Change: the Experience of European Union” at the Faculty of Ecology and Engineering. The webinar was organized at BigBlueButton platform within Jean Monnet Module "Environment, Health and Climate change: Facing the challenges and Adapting to Impacts: Experience of the European Union / 600178-EPP-1-2018-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE/CLIMEU”. It attracted more than 70 attendees.
24 November
The research webinar “Environment, Health and Climate Change: the Experience of European Union” at NVSU
On November 25, NVSU will hold the research webinar “Environment, Health and Climate Change: the Experience of European Union” within Jean Monnet Module "Environment, Health and Climate change: Facing the challenges and Adapting to Impacts: Experience of the European Union"/ 600178-EPP-1-2018-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE, co-financed by European Commission within the framework of Jean Monnet Actions.