
01 April
Quiz "What do we know about the EU?" within Jean Monnet Module "INTEG"
On April 8, 2022, NVSU will hold the introductory lecture "European Union: History and the Present" within Jean Monnet Module "EU integration: experience, achievements and modern challenges". At the end of the lecture students will participate in the Quiz "What do we know about the EU?".
30 March
NVSU participated in the Jean Monnet programme competition
The Jean Monnet programme aims to expand knowledge about the European integration through teaching, research and discussions on history, politics, economics and legislation of the European Union, as well as EU relations with other regions of the world. The main objective of the programme is to introduce the European dimension into higher education systems. As part of the call 2021, Nizhnevartovsk State University submitted 5 applications: 4 Jean Monnet Modules and 1 Jean Monnet Chair. 
09 March
Working meeting of ISInCAR project teams
On March 1, Science Cafe "Interinstitutional partnership in climate change agenda" was held at Yugra State University within ISInCAR project. Students and teachers of NVSU Faculty of Ecology and Engineering participated in the event in online format. The speakers were researchers of UNESCO department at YSU, Professor of the University of Cambridge, employees of Terra Motion and the oil companies Salym Petroleum Development and Uraineftegaz.
05 March
Final lectures from Bangor University researchers
On February 16, Bangor University researchers held a final meeting for the participants of ISInCAR project "International scientific integration of early career researchers" and presented reports on microplastics. Moderator of the meeting - Dr. Christian Dunn, Associate Director of the Bangor Wetlands Group, active researcher and lecturer in wetland science.
22 February
The second meeting of ISInCAR participants
On February 9, researchers and PhD students of the University of Highlands and Islands delivered presentations on peatland rewilding to ISInCAR participants. Moderator of the meeting - Dr Sam Bonnet, Senior Lecturer at the University of Highlands and Islands. Dr Pete Maxfiield, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Chemistry gave the presentation on Honeygar farm and carbon research.
21 February
The call for NVSU Teaching Staff Mobility is extended
The call for applications is extended to all professors wishing to participate in international mobility at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Purpose of the mobility is teaching at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). All conditions for call are described in the interinstitutional agreement between the sending and receiving institutions. Deadline for application - 25/02/2022.
18 February
EU integration: Experience, Achievements and Modern Challenges
10 February
British universities will give a series of lectures for ISInCAR participants
Researchers of British universities will give a series of lectures on ecology and biology as part of the project "International scientific integration of early career researchers (ISInCAR)". Consortium of the Project includes 3 British universities: Bangor University (Wales), University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland), University of the West of England (England).
20 December
The call is now open for the course “Biology” at University of Barselona
The Erasmus+ Programme is a European funding programme offering university students a possibility of studying or doing an internship abroad in another country for a period of at least 2 months and maximum 12 months per cycle of studies. Erasmus+ now offers the possibility to go way beyond the European borders as well. The course runs in the fall semester 2022.
14 December
Day of Intercultural Communication at NVSU
On December 3, Nizhnevartovsk State University held Day of Intercultural Communication. Participants were welcomed by Denis Pogonyshev, First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research, and Oksana Moroz, Head of International Office. Elena Blaginina and Alisa Puzina, students of NVSU Faculty of Humanities delivered presentation about Russia and its history. Students from Zambia and Ghana, Chisala Mbulo, Taonga Priska Lungu and Herbert Osea Eboa had come to NVSU to study Russian language. During the event they spoke about culture, interesting facts and customs of their countries.