Tempus IV

"Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem 

as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies"



Nizhnevartovsk State University is a member of the consortium for the project "Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies - E3M" approved for funding within the European Commission Tempus IV in 2013. The consortium of the project includes 11 partners from Finland, Spain, Austria, Belgium, and Russia. Nizhnevartovsk State University serves as a Russian Coordinator.




PROJECT TITLE: Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Educational Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competences

PROJECT REFERENCE NUMBER: 544028-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-FI-TEMPUS-JPHES/2013-5503/001-001


DURATION: December 2013 – October 2016

SUB-PRRAMME: Joint Project

CONSORTIUM: 11 partners from 5 countries

WEBSITE: http://www.tempus-e3m.com/



Наименование учреждения

Роль в проекте

JAMK University of  Applied Sciences

(Jyväskylä, Finland)

Project Coordinator

Nizhnevartovsk State University

(Nizhnevartovsk, Russia)

Russian Coordinator

University of Girona



Educational Institution of  Trade Unions  & Higher Professional Education

(Moscow, Russia)


Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen

(Antwerp, Belgium)


Voronezh State University



Carinthia University of Applied Sciences



Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


Agency of Educational Strategies & Initiatives (Bologna Club)

(Rostov-on-Don, Russia)


Jyväskylä regional Development Company Jykes Ltd

(Jyväskylä, Finland)


SPACE Network

(Antwerp, Belgium)



Tempus Programme objective addressed by the project (general objective): Supporting the reforms and modernization of the higher education system in Russia.

Specific Objectives:    1. Evaluating the quality of cooperation between higher education institutions and companies using a special                                                          valuation matrix.

                                   2. Implementing the strategy aimed at developing the cooperation between partnering high education                                                                      institutions.                                                                    

                                   3. Extending practical knowledge of higher education specialists concerning new methods and forms of                                                                 cooperation with the working community/employers and ways to incorporate them into the curricula.



Suvi Ahonen - Project Coordinator 

email: suvi.ahonen@jamk.fi

Nadezhda Nemchinova - Project Coordinator in Russia  

email: international.nvsu@gmail.com


NVSU Project Team 

Head of the Project Team

 Denis Pogonyshev, Candidate of Biological Sciences,  Vice-rector for Innovation and International Relations
 Tel.: +7 (3466) 45-76-10

 Email: d.pogonyshev@mail.ru

Team Members

 Nadezhda Nemchinova, Head of International Office,  Russian Project Coordinator in Russia
 Tel.: +7 (3466) 45-76-10

 Email: international.nvsu@gmail.com


 Irina Istomina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences,  Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy  and Psychology
 Tel.: +7 (3466) 45-10-42

 Email: istominai@mail.ru

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

 Galina Petrova, Head of the Department of General and  Social Pedagogy

 Galina Artemieva, Associate Professor, Department of  General and Social Pedagogy

 Tatiana Arkhipova, Senior Lecturer, Department of  Education and Development Psychology

 Alexandra Baiduganova, Assistant, Department of  Education and Development Psychology

 Iya Telegina, Head of the Department of Methods of  Preschool and Primary Education

 Nadezhda Zhmakina, Associate Professor, Department  of Methods of Preschool and Primary Education

 Irina Levashova, Senior Lecturer, Department of  Methods of Preschool and Primary Education


 Vyacheslav Ivanov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,  Associate Professor; Dean of the Faculty of Geography  and Natural Sciences
 Tel.: +7 (3466) 43-65-86

 Email: egf-nggu@yandex.ru

Faculty of Geography and Natural Sciences

 Gennady Malgin, Head of the Department of Power  Engineering

 Nadezhda Malysheva, Associate Professor, Department  of Power Engineering

 Ibragim Aitov, Associate Professor, Department of  Geography

 Elsa Kuznetsova, Senior Lecturer, Department of  Geography

 Tatiana Solovyan, Secretary


International Office

 Oksana Yakovishak, Project Manager
 Tel.: +7 (3466) 45-76-10

 Email: international.nvsu@gmail.com

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.