International cooperation is one of the priorities in NVSU development strategy and it is successfully implemented since 2009. NVSU international cooperation is seen as self-evident in research and education and has been part of a long-term strategy to secure and improve quality within the university.

Nizhnevartovsk State University has always placed special emphasis on fostering collaborations with foreign universities and on the process of internationalization. This has become a strategic aspect of the life of the university affecting all areas from research and teaching to the organization of studies and mobility of teachers, researchers and students. The ultimate aim of internationalization at the University is to enhance the quality of research and education and sharpen the competitive edge of the University both nationally and internationally. With this aim NVSU intends to become an active member of the international community of universities.

Nizhnevartovsk State University is an active university engaged in collaborative projects all over the world. The high level of research conducted at the University is the basis for numerous projects implemented in close cooperation with foreign partners. NVSU is involved in a great number of international projects such as Tempus Project and takes part in professional cooperation of international organizations.