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Jean Monnet open lectures within the Science Week at Nizhnevartovsk State University

Within the framework of the Science Week, Jean Monnet Modules the coordinators implemented a number of activities connected with JM Modules that are currently being implemented in NVSU. They were open to all interested in the topics.


On February 13, Lala Yakubova, academic coordinator of the project "The European Union Social Policy", gave a public lecture on the theme "Social Policy of Western Europe: On the History of the Question". The lecture was devoted to the historical development of mechanisms for solving the social problems of European states in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the ModernTimes. Much attention was paid to the analysis of the concept of social assistance, which was originally the basis for understanding charity and mercy first by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and then by the first Christians, apologists of the Catholic Church and the progressive European community of the Renaissance and Reformation period. Students were interested in the main historical documents that were analyzed in the lecturer, which reflected the solution of the social question in this or that period. Special attention was paid to the emergence and development of social legislation in Europe, which laid the foundation for the social policy of modern Europe.

Also, within the framework of the module " The European Union Social Policy ", on February 14, a research seminar was held at the Department of Record Keeping and General History titled "Social Reformism of Otto von Bimark" moderated by the senior lecturer of the chair Lyudmila Bespalova. The seminar participants discussed the sociopolitical conception of the outstanding German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, which was later placed in the basis of one of the models of social policy in Western Europe - the Bismarck model. The social legislation of O. Bismarck, social reforms and their consequences were analyzed during the seminar


On February 15, at the Faculty of Ecology and Engineering, an open lecture was held within Jean Monnet Module "Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union " on "HEALTH-2020: THE FOUNDATIONS OF EUROPEAN POLICY AND THE STRATEGY FOR THE XXI CENTURY". The lecture was held by the module coordinator, associate professor of the Department for Ecology, Irina Pogonysheva.

The lecture covered the following key issues:

  1. The main provisions of the new European health policy "Health 2020". The main targets of the Health 2020 policy.
  2. Levels of health. Factors affecting the health of Europe's population. Determinants that promote health.
  3. Activities that are being undertaken in the EU countries to prevent environmentally dependent diseases.
  4. Environment and health of children, prevention programs in Europe.


On February 15, the Faculty of Economics and Management held a research seminar "Standards and quality." The seminar was organized to disseminate the results of the Jean Monnet Module " Standardization in Product Quality Management: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects".

Currently, there is a trend towards integration of the economy, the creation of integrated regional markets. The greatest development was the integration within the EU, which formed a single internal market. At the same time, the development of European standardization is of primary importance in eliminating national barriers. In our country, the relevance of the standards for the management processes to ensure the quality of products or services.

Features of standardization of management processes were researched by the students studying Management.  The following participants presented their reports: Inna Volkova, Professor of the Department for Commerce and Management, students Esmira Mustafayeva, Alena Chabanova and Sofia Levchenko.

The next stage of discussion of the results of the second year of the study is planned in May 2018.


On February 16, research seminar "GREEN SKILLS" IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module "Developing Green Skills for Entrepreneurship and Business Based on the EU Experience".

The seminar was attended by 2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Economics and Management and teachers of the Department of Commerce and Management. The variety of topics and the active participation of students, both in research work and in practical development of environmental business initiatives, sparked a lively discussion.

Six main reports were presented:

  • Oksana Kozlova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, "NGP in the Development of Eco-innovations: Experience of the EU"
  • Irina Tokar, 2-year student, "Ideas of Eco-projects" Hydroponics ": Implementation Opportunities in the Region"
  • Dinara Sadykov, 2-year student, "Analysis of Demand for Eco-oriented Products in Nizhnevartovsk"
  • Emin Khankishev, 2-year student, "The Idea of the Eco-project" ESMA "
  • Ksenia Bondarenko, 3-year student, "New Trends that Determine Changes in the Behavior of Green Consumers"
  • Inna Volkova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, "Project-based training for the skills of Environmental Entrepreneurship Among Students"

University students and teachers, post-graduate students, school schildrena and students of vocational institutions took part in the events.

The projects “Developing Green Skills for Entrepreneurship and Business Based on the EU Experience”, 587650-EPP-1-2017-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE, “Standardization in Product Quality Management: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects”, 574925-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE, “Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union”, 574826-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE and “The European Union Social Policy”, 574865-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE are co-financed by European Commission within the framework of Jean Monnet Actions. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
