Benchmarking Visit II within TEMPUS IV “E3M Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies” (May 25-29, 2015), Girona, Spain

On  May 25-29, 2015, NVSU representatives took part in the second benchmarking visit within TEMPUS IV “E3M Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies”. The NVSU delegation included Tatiana Storchak, the Head of the Department of Ecology, Nadezhda Nemchinova, Head of International Office, and Victoria Lazareva and Maria Kalashnikova, students of the Faculty of Humanities. During the second week of the benchmarking visit, the Russian project partners were welcomed by the University of Girona, Faculty of Tourism.



During the visit, the project participants got acquainted with the main campus of the University of Girona, visited the Faculty of Tourism, Polytechnic School, Faculty of Science, university library, and Scientific Park.


The Spanish colleagues presented the main methods of cooperation between the University of Girona and business community and organized sessions with the representatives of the City and Regional Councils for Tourism, and Association of Business Organizations of Girona. The Russian participants learnt about the system of career and internship support for students of the University of Girona.

After visiting the JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and University of Girona (Spain), the NVSU faculties involved in the project will continue implementing Action Plans to promote cooperation with employers taking in account the best practices, recommendations, and employer reviews shared by the European colleagues.


See photos

Funded by
the European Union

23 июня