Benchmarking Visit II to JAMK University of Applied Sciences

On May 18-23, Gennady Malgin, Head of the Department of Energy Engineering, and Oksana Yakovishak, Leading Specialist and Project Manager of NVSU International Office, took part in the second benchmarking visit within the TEMPUS project E3M “Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies". The visit was devoted to studying the best EU practices in terms of development of cooperation between academic world and world of work. JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä (Finland) hosted the event and welcomed representatives from Russian partner-universities. JAMK had prepared an interesting program of the visit, based on the wishes and recommendations of Russian colleagues.

During the visit, Russian participants visited the School of Technology of JAMK University, learned more about the master's educational program in Information Technologies, and visited research laboratories where students have practical training classes.

The Regional Council of Central Finland organized a panel session devoted to discussing the role of universities in regional development and cooperation between universities and employers. The panel was attended by the representatives of the City Hall, business associations of Jyväskylä, and Jyväskylä Regional Development Company JYKES, which is a non-academic partner of the project.

In addition, Russian participants met with the representatives of the Faculty of Sports Management and Bio-Economic Institute. During the sessions,JAMK University presented the system of vocational guidance and career support that provides counseling and psychological support for students throughout the whole training period, as well as assistance in the design of a professional portfolio and search for employment opportunities.

Heikki Malinen, Vice Rector of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, made a presentation on the successful implementation of the Bologna Process strategies at JAMK University, and shared university’s experience in promoting the internationalization process. Hannu Ikonen, Development Manager at JAMK University of Applied Sciences, spoke about the priorities of the university, as well as comprehensive system of supporting the development of professional competencies of university teachers.

The first week of the visit also included a steering committee meeting devoted to organizational issues of the project.

Funded by
the European Union

22 июня