
Bachelor Programmes

Program Duration

4 years (full-time training), 5 years (part-time training)

Academic Year

9 months (September - May)

                List of Programmes

Faculty of Humanities

  • Journalism (Business Journalism)

  • Teacher Education (Foreign Language)

  • Teacher Education (Philology)

  • Linguistics (Translation and Translation Studies)

  • Record Management and Archival Work (Record Management)

  • Record Management and Archival Work (HR Record Management)

  • Youth Work (Youth Work Methods) 

  • Advertising and Public Relations (Advertising and Public Relations in Business)

  • Tourism (Methods and Arrangement of Travel Operators and Agency Services)

  • Teacher Education (History)

  • Management

  • Trading (Trade Marketing)

  • Philology (Russian Language and Literature)

  • History (Russian and World History)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (History and Social studies)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Russian and Khanty Literature)

Faculty of Arts and Design

  • Architecture (Architecture Design)

  • Design (Environmental / Graphic Design)

  • Teacher Education (Music Education)

  • Teacher Education (Fine and Decorative Arts)

  • Applied and Decorative Arts and Folk Crafts (Ceramic Arts / Textile Arts)

  • Applied and Decorative Arts and Folk Crafts (Applied and Decorative Arts in Architectural Environment)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Handicraft and Fine Art)

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

  • Social Work (Social Services)

  • Psychology (Development and Educational Psychology)

  • Teacher Education (Primary Education)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Primary Education and Social Pedagogy)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Primary Education and Foreign Language)

  • Psychological and Pedagogical Education (Psychology and Social Pedagogy)

  • Psychological and Pedagogical Education (Pre-school Education)

Faculty of Physical Training and Sports

  • Teacher Education (Physical Education)

  • Physical Training (Physical Education)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Physical Education, Health and Safety Education)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Physical Education and Supplementary Education for Children) 

  • Physical Training for Persons with Deviations in State of Health (Adapted Physical Education)

Faculty of Information Technologies and Mathematics

  • Computer Science and Engineering (Computer and Automated Systems Software)

  • Teacher Education (Mathematics and Physics)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Informatics and Physics)

  • Information Systems and Technologies (Information Systems and Technologies in Business)

  • Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Applied Mathematics and Informatics)

  • Information Security (Cybersecurity (by field of professional activity))

Faculty of Ecology and Engineering

  • Ecology and Environmental Management (Ecology)

  • Heat Power Engineering and Technologies (Industrial Heat Power Engineering)

  • Land Management and Property Cadastres (Geodetic Support of Land Management and Property Cadastres)

  • Teacher Education (Health and Safety Education)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Biology and Chemistry)

  • Teacher Education with 2 profiles of training (Geography and Ecology)

  • Technosphere Safety (Workplace Safety) 

  • Oil and Gas Engineering (Operation and Maintenance of Oil and Gas Production Facilities)

  • Automation of Technological Processes and Production in Oil and Gas Industry (Automation Computer Systems in Oil and Gas Industry)

  • Power and Electrical Engineering (Electricity Supply/Electrical Equipment and Electric Power Facilities of Enterprises, Organizations and Companies)

  • Power and Electrical Engineering (Electricity Supply)