Panel Session 3 “The European Union Practices of Standardization in Quality Management Systems” within Final International Research and Practical Conference

Panel Session “The European Union Practices of Standardization in Quality Management Systems” was part of the Final International Research and Practical Conference “Intercultural Dialogue and Collaboration of the European Union and Russia: Implementation of Jean Monnet Projects at Nizhnevartovsk State University”.

During the Session, the participants focused on the results of the Jean Monnet Module "Standardization in Product Quality Management: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects". The Session was aimed at discussing European and international experience in implementing and applying quality standards, considering the cooperation prospects for Russia.

The Session provided for both in-person and virtual participation. The issues under discussion included raising awareness of standardization importance for the Russian, European and global economies; studying the EU experience in developing an internal market based on the modernization of national standards; developing the quality management system based on harmonized standards.

The Session included the following reports:

Jean Monnet Module: implementation experience and potential for development, by Inna Volkova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department for Commerce and Management, Nizhnevartovsk State University.



European Quality Award: Excellence in action, by Natalia Vatolkina, Erasmus + Program Expert, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department for Management, Moscow State Technical University named of N.E. Bauman.



European standards in the development of innovative product markets, by Oksana Kozlova, Professor at Department for Commerce and Management, Nizhnevartovsk State University.

The second part of the Session was devoted to reports by NVSU students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, majoring in Management, which concerned the following issues:

Developing personnel’s digital competences under the European standards, by V. Kaydash, A. Korchagina, E. Mustafayeva, E. Popkova, and A. Tikhonova.

Managing a company in accordance withinternational standards of corporate management, by D. Volkova, D. Rudenko, D. Chekhoev, E. Nikolaev.

Managing a company in accordance with national standards of lean production, by V. Antonova, S. Levchenko, K. Ulanova, A. Chabanov.

The conference fruitful scientific discussion helped promoting the EU experience of standardization, bringing the research results and recommendations concerning product quality management system to the widest possible audience and popularizing scientific knowledge.

The conference is expected to bring sustainable results of increased information and scientific activity associated with EU-related issues, use of the EU standardization experience, and development of the product quality management systems in Russia.



In general, harmonizing the EU and Russian standards through the wider use of international and European standards will lead to important economic benefits, such as increased investment in key industries, technological cooperation between companies, trade between the EU and Russia, which altogether will contribute to the sustainable growth of the Russian and European economies.


09 September