External monitoring of Jean Monnet projects

The Final Research and Practical Conference “Intercultural Dialogue and Collaboration of the European Union and Russia: Implementation of Jean Monnet Projects at Nizhnevartovsk State University” held at NVSU on April 15-19, was concluded with the external monitoring of projects made by Paivi Korhonen, CEO of PDGE (Project Development Group Europe).

The meeting was held in a free and friendly dialogue format. To get to know each other better, Paivi Korhonen started with some words about herself. She began her career as the head of college, then head of a university, after which Paivi continued working in the field of educational project evaluation. Her cooperation with Russian professionals started in 1995.



After a short introduction, NVSU members, Irina Pogonysheva, Tatyana Storchak, Lala Yakubova, Inna Volkova and Oksana Kozlova, took turns in presenting their projects and sharing the results of their work, discussing most successful, as well as challenging aspects of the implemented projects.

Each project presentation was concluded by Paivi Korhonen interviewing the project coordinators and analyzing the qualitative and quantitative results. All reports discussed during the conference week will be included in the collection of conference proceedings.

Implementation of Jean Monnet Module "Standardization in Product Quality Management: EU Experience and Cooperation Prospects" 

Implementation of Jean Monnet Module "Interaction of environment and human health: Experience of the European Union" 

Implementation of Jean Monnet Module "The European Union Social Policy" 

Implementation of Jean Monnet Module "Developing Green Skills for Entrepreneurship and Business Based on the EU Experience" 

Implementation of Jean Monnet Module "Promoting biodiversity conservation in RF via advanced EU practices"

09 September