International Photography contest

International Photography contest "Biodiversity through the Lens"  will be held at Nizhnevartovsk State University as part of the Final International Research and Practical Conference "Intercultural dialogue and collaboration of the European Union and Russia: Implementation of Jean Monnet Projects at Nizhnevartovsk State University", Student Forum “ERASMUS GENERATION AT NVSU” and Jean Monnet project "Promoting biodiversity conservation in RF via advanced EU practices".

Main objective: raise awareness of biodiversity conservation in regions affected by high anthropogenic pressure in the EU countries and Russia (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra)

The contest also aims to:

  1. Present beauty, richness and diversity of nature in territories of European countries and Russia (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra).
  2. Raise awareness of biodiversity conservation in EU countries and Russia among populations, general public, professionals in the field of environmental protection
  3. Inform about EU ecological initiatives and projects in biodiversity and enriching experience for dissemination
  4. Highlight importance of biodiversity in research activities

Organizer: Department of Ecology, Nizhnevartovsk State University


  • European Biodiversity (images of plants and wild animals living in European countries)
  • Biodiversity in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra (images of plants and wild animals living in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra)
  • Landscapes in Europe and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra (images of natural environment, sceneries and landscapes in the EU countries and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra).
  • Biodiversity and Science (images showing EU modern technologies and research)

Contest dates:

 27 January – 9 April 2019  - Application procedure

15 March – 31 March 2019 - Expert committee work, primary selection, publications of photos on NVSU website and NVSU Erasmus+ platform

18 April 2019 - Exhibition of finalists’ photos and awarding ceremony

Requirements to contestants:

  • Both amateur and professional works are allowed for the photo contest.
  • Interest in the subject of the photo contest, a vivid story corresponding to the categories.

Photo Submission procedure:

  • In order to register in the contest, contestants should send the following required documents to, with subject Photocontest Biodiversity through the Lens_Author’s surname

Required documents:

1. Photo(s) (1 contestant (individual or group) can submit no more than 3 works in each category):

  • image format – JPEG; name of the file has to contain contestant’s surname (Latin characters) and number of photo, for example: ivanov_1.jpg
  • image resolution 600×900 px, 300 dpi, file size – no more than 3 MB
  • photos should be without contestant's logos, added frames etc.

2. Filled in application form (please note that participation in the competition is not allowed without a properly filled application form)

Application Form

3. Brief author’s notes to better understand the story behind the photo (2-3 paragraphs – 1500 characters), font Тimes New Roman, font size - 12 pt. with 1,5 spacing).

Sample: Photocontest. NAME OF PHOTO. SURNAME AND NAME.


If you need any additional information, please contact Department of Ecology at NVSU:

Tatiana Storchak, Head of the Department of Ecology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assistant Professor
Address:  11 Dzerzhinskogo Street 11, office 302, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia
Tel: 8 (3466) 43-65-86

07 February