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NVSU information seminar “Study in Europe: Latvia”

On September 6, 2017 NVSU held an information workshop on studying in Europe, this time devoted entirely to Latvia. The seminar was attended by the member of the Liepaja University (Liepaja, Latvia). The seminar was a part of the series of workshops devoted to European education.            

The seminar started with a welcome speech from Denis Pogonyshev, Vice-Rector for Licensing and Accreditation, who spoke on the development of academic mobility as one of the priorities of the university’s international activities. Student mobility promotes cultural and academic exchanges and cooperation, increases personal capital and helps acquiring new skills for successful career and social life after graduation.

Patriks Morevs, Head of Foreign Affairs Department and Lecturer of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Liepaja University, also took part in the seminar. Mr. Morevs gave a presentation about Liepaja University, its history, faculties and university programmers for Russian and international students.

Staff members of NVSU International Office gave a presentation on Latvia where they shared interesting facts about Latvia, Latvian system of higher education, as well as study peculiarities of the Latvian universities. At the end of the workshop Patriks Morevs answered students’ questions related to admission and study process at the Liepaja University.

