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Visit to the Technical University of Berlin

On May 17-20, 2015, Nadezhda Nemchinova, Head of NVSU International Office, higher education reform expert, took part in a study visit to the Technical University of Berlin (Germany).

The study visit was organized by the University of Barcelona (UdB) and European University Association (EUA), which are part of the European Commission project consortium SPHERE (Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts). The consortium is aimed at supporting, promoting and training of higher education reforms experts. This study visit was supported by DAAD, the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The study visit included a workshop on Organizational Structures for Managing Internationalization and Academic Mobility, attended by experts on Bologna Process from 17 countries, representatives of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, and National Erasmus+ offices. 

The workshop discussed the following issues:

Module A: Organizational / institutional framework for internationalization management;
Module B: Academic mobility management at the Technical University of Berlin;

Module C: Academic mobility management at the faculty level;

Module D: Increasing internationalization and mobility through global partnerships and various cooperation models;

Module E: General principles and programs for mobility and internationalization of higher education in Germany.

The participants of the workshop learnt about the experience of implementing the internationalization strategy at the largest German universities, such as the Technical University of Berlin, Free University of Berlin, Berlin University of the Arts, and Humboldt University of Berlin. The workshop included active discussions of issues related to organizing and developing academic mobility, improving the internationalization level of higher education institutions, organizing strategic 

partnerships in the framework of bilateral agreements, development programs of universities, university organizational structures for managing internationalization and academic mobility, joint university models (Turkish-German University, Egyptian-German University and others).

During the workshop, the participants took part in a session at the German Ministry of Education and Research of Germany. The session included presentations devoted to the strategy of higher education internationalization in Germany and the role of the German Rectors’ Conference in implementing this strategy at the university level. In addition, the session was attended by the representatives of National Erasmus + office, head of department for partnership and cooperation, who spoke on the upcoming calls of Erasmus +.

